Saturday, November 15, 2008

diorama of rock and james fighting against a skinner :)

I put this together for open house using the charecters in our thesis. to show them in action. In general just wanted a turntable of them all in pose :)

Turn table with James, Rock, and the skinner. from Rogelio Olguin on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

render tests and styling :D

doing tests on the office for rendering. This is almost full composite, the only thing it would need is the "godrays", but that is easy. Their are some minor issues. When optimizing the scene to render faster I used jitter with low antialiasing and that caused highlights to flicker in some areas. I also had a very quick occ pass which was too grainy and makes it seem like grain is floating. In general it was a good test. What I learned is things need to be moving in a render to see issues that might come up. Things that seem like good optimzation tricks can cause one image to look good but not a sequence of images. Over optimzation in those areas did not work. Ill have the file looked at by some people to see if the optimzations can be dealt with in other areas that do not affect the quality of the image. If not ill have to deal with 3-4min renders instead of the 2min ones I had. testing testing testing :)

oh yeah the video below does not show the issues so some of u might be like hmm.... it looks good why bother. becuase I want to make it badass.

Abyssus office render test from Rogelio Olguin on Vimeo.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Rolling Through....

So the rig is fully operational and proven to work....
Courtesy of David Han. He has animated a run cycle

Untitled from Chris Hani on Vimeo.

Rolling Through...

So the rig is fully operational and proven to work....
courtesy of David Han. He has animated a run cycle

render update :)

been testing more and more. The render time for 1280x720 on this frame use to be 5mins and 20 sec I was able to reduce it to 2min and 30 sec. optimized a lot of stuff. I also finally put occ to the render :) the occ render was another 2 mins. and than composited in photoshop.
straight maya render yep looks kind of dry and muddy...
comped image occ, glare, and color correction.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

almost done with the first set :) desktop image...

This is a straight render from maya besides some very minor post. no occ, no final gather, and nothing of the like, just normal lights spots lights and point lights with raytrace and depthmap shadows. Did this for my desktop :)